
Morgenandacht (Präsenz und Online)

So 08.09.2024
Beginn: 10:00 Uhr
Meeting-ID: 849 4424 8316
Kenncode: 408712

Pāramitā-Fest (Präsenz und Online)

Beginn: 14:00 Uhr
Meeting ID: 854 5875 0819
Passcode: 709670

Festvortrag unter dem gleichen Link etwa ab 15:15 Uhr
Marc Nottelmann-Feil: „Der Zweifel im Shin-Buddhismus- Ist Zweifeln nicht gut?“

Hōonkō Service and Seminar

Speaker: Dr. ARAI Toshikazu (Professor Emeritus, Sōai University, Ōsaka)
Theme: „Amida Buddha and the Pure Land“
In discussing Shinran’s teaching, we frequently mention Amida Buddha and Amida’s Pure Land, confident that we know what we are talking about. However, since these terms are at the core of Shin Buddhism, it is important to think of what they actually mean to us. The purpose of the seminar is not to come to a unified definition, but to think about and discuss the meaning of these terms. During the sessions, the speaker will sometimes refer to his translation of Shinran’s Saihō-Shinan-shō (The Path to the Pure Land), but those who do not have a copy can rely on the seminar materials that will be provided.

The lectures are free to the public. Those who wish to have meals with other participants should inform us by Nov. 18, 2024 and pay the following for the Lunch: €15.
Information & registration: nottelmann [AT]

Provisional Timetable: Download here

Registration required: Please write an e-mail and sent it to oder*
Participation fee: 15€, Online participation free **

* The e-mail should contain your name (including titles, dharma name,etc.), address, phone number, e-mail, and whether you are vegetarian or not.
** Please transfer the fee to the bank account of EKO Association. Participants who come from outside the EU can also pay in cash upon their arriving.

Part I: Friday 24th November 02:00 PM (CET = Düsseldorf Time)

Meeting ID: 892 3283 2062
Passcode: 438857

[Part II] Saturday 25th November 09:00 AM (CET = Düsseldorf Time)

Meeting ID: 894 9015 2768
Passcode: 709652

Hōonkō Service / 報恩講法要 Nov 25, 2023 02:00 PM (CET = Düsseldorf Time)

Meeting ID: 875 6654 6054
Passcode: 540946

General Meeting of EKŌ Association of European Shin Buddhists

Meeting ID: 849 6544 7050
Passcode: 214929

[Part III] Sunday 26th November 09:00 AM (CET = Düsseldorf Time)

Meeting ID: 822 5352 2440
Passcode: 278335