Hōonkō Web Seminar 2020

Fri-Sun, 27-29 Nov 2020|Starting Fri, 27 Nov, 2:00 pm

Rev. Kiyonobu KUWAHARA 桑原浄信先生 (Office Manager, Jodo Shinshu International Office; Supervising Minister, Berkeley Buddhist Tempel)

“The Light to Change”

Zoom client for meeting (Download): https://zoom.us/download

Description: In our everyday life, we can see things thanks to the light. In the same way, we need a spiritual light in order to truly see ourselves. In Buddhism, Buddha’s wisdom is compared to light. The light of wisdom shows us who we truly are and how we actually live everyday life by illuminating the darkness of our ignorance. As we become aware of the reality of our existence, our ways of life are also changed with the guidance of Buddha’s light. Among many Buddhas, Amida is described as the Buddha of Light. In this seminar, we will explore how Amida Buddha’s Light embraces and changes us based on the teaching of Master Shinran (1173-1263), the founder of Jōdo Shinshū Buddhism.

Provisional Timetable (Last update: Sept 18)

Click here for timetable as pdf


We highly recommend to enrole at least one week before the seminar! People from overseas (America, Japan) can enrole as well.

After enrolement you will receive

  1. an invitation for a test session with you (see abpve). In this session we will ensure that the connection is working and give you some time to try out the functions of zoom. Furthermore will will keep an eye on your webcam and micro. (In fact, old webcams and micros sometimes make a lot of trouble.) – Participants who enrole to late must take responsibity for their own connection.
  2. handouts (if Rev. Kuwahara has prepared something)
  3. a list of participants (who agreed to be enlisted)

For enrolement, please print out the following pdf, fill in your data and sent it as pdf-scan to nottelmann[at]eko-haus.de or via snail mail to

EKO-Haus der Japanischen Kulur e.V.
Brüggener Weg 6
40472 Düsseldorf

Click here to receive the enrolement pdf!

For data protection reasons we can only accept a written enrolement with your sign.

Logins for Test Meetings:

Click here to receive the Test Meeting Invitations

Further Information

Please sent your questions concerning the seminar via our contact formular under the menu point “Contact”!